Has a deferred student loan derailed your home loan pre-approval? Do not give up yet! Many mortgage lenders are dazed and confused by the
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Lender offering FHA, VA, Conventional and JUMBO mortgages | Top 1% Loan Officer Nationally (Mortgage Executive Magazine)
Has a deferred student loan derailed your home loan pre-approval? Do not give up yet! Many mortgage lenders are dazed and confused by the
Continue readingCommunity property states (such as Arizona) complicate the FHA mortgage process for some married home-buyers. In a community property state, a non-purchasing spouse’s debts are
Continue readingA VA home loan is one of the best mortgage products available today. The VA appraisal process however is not
Continue readingRecently, 3 different mortgage insurance company sales reps nearly bumped shoulders as they our office. The 2nd and 3rd one snooped over
Continue readingBefore you shame the mortgage industry please read on. While reminiscent of the “anything goes” mortgage era, “No Credit Score
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